DATE: 2024-09-06 TIME: 02:19:18 run inlist_starspots_header DATE: 2024-09-06 TIME: 02:19:18 reading user weak rate file ../../../data/rates_data/rate_tables/S13_r_be7_wk_li7.h5 version_number 0e84b02 read inlist_starspots The terminal output contains the following information 'step' is the number of steps since the start of the run, 'lg_dt' is log10 timestep in years, 'age_yr' is the simulated years since the start run, 'lg_Tcntr' is log10 center temperature (K), 'lg_Dcntr' is log10 center density (g/cm^3), 'lg_Tmax' is log10 max temperature (K), 'Teff' is the surface temperature (K), 'lg_R' is log10 surface radius (Rsun), 'lg_L' is log10 surface luminosity (Lsun), 'lg_LH' is log10 total PP and CNO hydrogen burning power (Lsun), 'lg_L3a' is log10 total triple-alpha helium burning power (Lsun), 'lg_gsurf' is log10 surface gravity, 'lg_LNuc' is log10 nuclear power (Lsun), 'lg_LNeu' is log10 total neutrino power (Lsun), 'lg_Lphoto' is log10 total photodisintegration (Lsun), 'Mass' is the total stellar baryonic mass (Msun), 'lg_Mdot' is log10 magnitude of rate of change of mass (Msun/year), 'lg_Dsurf' is log10 surface density (g/cm^3), 'H_env' is the amount of mass where H is dominant, 'He_core' is the largest mass where He is dominant. 'CO_core' is the largest mass where CO is dominant. 'H_cntr' is the center H1 mass fraction, 'He_cntr' is the center He4 mass fraction, 'C_cntr' is the center C12 mass fraction, 'N_cntr' is the center N14 mass fraction, 'O_cntr' is the center O16 mass fraction, 'Ne_cntr' is the center Ne20 mass fraction, 'gam_cntr' is the center plasma interaction parameter, 'eta_cntr' is the center electron degeneracy parameter, 'zones' is the number of zones in the current model, 'iters' is the number of solver iterations for the current step, 'retry' is the number of step retries required during the run, 'dt_limit' is an indication of what limited the timestep. All this and more are saved in the LOGS directory during the run. create pre-main-sequence model species mass 12 9.0000000000000002D-01 relax_num_steps 300 hydro_solver_step returned ierr -1 s% model_number 1 nz 1724 s% num_retries 0 retry: eos evaluted at too low a density 1 retry: max residual jumped -- give up in solver 6 retry: max residual jumped -- give up in solver 8 100 5.477229 4195.817 -21.589747 -21.589747 0.900000 0.900000 0.700000 0.001039 0.280000 -7.816940 664 3 -5.0000E+00 5.477050 1.423717 -99.000000 -22.233754 -99.000000 0.000000 0.280000 0.008595 0.020000 0.077077 3 9.5992E-04 -3.199679 2.293394 -99.000000 -99.000000 -8.221544 0.000000 0.003544 0.001867 0.020000 0.000E+00 max_dt 200 5.477229 4023.279 -21.589752 -21.589752 0.900000 0.900000 0.700000 0.001039 0.280000 -7.816940 657 3 -5.0000E+00 5.477050 1.422749 -99.000000 -22.233759 -99.000000 0.000000 0.280000 0.008595 0.020000 0.077077 3 1.9599E-03 -3.199679 2.218512 -99.000000 -99.000000 -8.183778 0.000000 0.003544 0.001867 0.020000 0.000E+00 max_dt 300 5.477230 3945.265 -21.589753 -21.589753 0.900000 0.900000 0.700000 0.001039 0.280000 -7.816940 657 3 -5.0000E+00 5.477050 1.422178 -99.000000 -22.233760 -99.000000 0.000000 0.280000 0.008595 0.020000 0.077077 3 2.9599E-03 -3.199678 2.183354 -99.000000 -99.000000 -8.160353 0.000000 0.003544 0.001867 0.020000 0.000E+00 max_dt finished doing relax num steps read history_master.list read profile_master.list set_initial_number_retries 0 set_uniform_initial_composition initial_h1 7.3490000000000000D-01 initial_h2 2.7500000000000001D-05 initial_he3 8.5000000000000006D-05 initial_he4 2.3999999999999999D-01 metals AGSS09 net name atm_option: table kap_option a09 kap_CO_option a09_co kap_lowT_option lowT_fa05_a09p OMP_NUM_THREADS 8 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ step lg_Tmax Teff lg_LH lg_Lnuc Mass H_rich H_cntr N_cntr Y_surf eta_cntr zones retry lg_dt_yrs lg_Tcntr lg_R lg_L3a lg_Lneu lg_Mdot He_core He_cntr O_cntr Z_surf gam_cntr iters age_yrs lg_Dcntr lg_L lg_LZ lg_Lphoto lg_Dsurf CO_core C_cntr Ne_cntr Z_cntr v_div_cs dt_limit __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ pgstar_out/ 100 5.505045 3667.377 -9.323053 -9.323053 0.900000 0.900000 0.734900 0.001298 0.240085 -7.643556 626 0 1.4776E+00 5.505045 1.376091 -99.000000 -21.644809 -10.005128 0.000000 0.240085 0.010739 0.025015 0.077685 5 5.4325E+02 -3.090804 1.964297 -99.000000 -99.000000 -7.854942 0.000000 0.004427 0.002333 0.025015 0.000E+00 varcontrol save photos/x00100 for model 100 pgstar_out/ pgstar_out/ 200 5.743241 3891.149 -4.718950 -4.718950 0.900000 0.900000 0.734900 0.001298 0.240085 -6.832973 665 0 2.1304E+00 5.743241 1.119712 -99.000000 -17.404220 -10.671465 0.000000 0.240085 0.010739 0.025015 0.077343 6 7.5904E+03 -2.381974 1.554430 -99.000000 -99.000000 -7.635728 0.000000 0.004427 0.002333 0.025015 0.000E+00 varcontrol save photos/x00200 for model 200 pgstar_out/ pgstar_out/ 300 5.978190 4059.308 -0.821603 -0.821603 0.899999 0.899999 0.734900 0.001298 0.240085 -6.021513 748 0 2.7867E+00 5.978190 0.872340 -99.000000 -13.806533 -11.339946 0.000000 0.240085 0.010739 0.025015 0.077305 5 3.9223E+04 -1.677767 1.133181 -99.000000 -99.000000 -7.413224 0.000000 0.004427 0.002333 0.025015 0.000E+00 varcontrol save photos/x00300 for model 300 pgstar_out/ pgstar_out/ 400 6.210029 4145.020 -2.180122 -2.180122 0.899999 0.899999 0.734886 0.001298 0.240126 -5.217122 780 0 3.4529E+00 6.210029 0.632477 -99.000000 -10.737890 -12.023007 0.000000 0.240126 0.010739 0.024988 0.077347 6 3.2679E+05 -0.981579 0.689753 -99.000000 -99.000000 -7.159969 0.000000 0.004427 0.002333 0.024988 0.000E+00 varcontrol save photos/x00400 for model 400 pgstar_out/ pgstar_out/ 500 6.436457 4103.129 -6.665631 -6.665631 0.899999 0.899999 0.734886 0.001298 0.240126 -4.431146 781 0 4.1480E+00 6.436457 0.401017 -99.000000 -8.128806 -12.734615 0.000000 0.240126 0.010739 0.024987 0.077373 6 1.0271E+06 -0.301869 0.209189 -99.000000 -99.000000 -6.855042 0.000000 0.004427 0.002333 0.024987 0.000E+00 varcontrol save photos/x00500 for model 500 pgstar_out/ pgstar_out/ 600 6.648542 3918.516 -3.702945 -3.702945 0.899998 0.899998 0.734886 0.001298 0.240126 -3.607449 808 0 4.8871E+00 6.648542 0.177750 -99.000000 -5.903167 -13.484318 0.000000 0.240126 0.010739 0.024987 0.079619 5 4.7399E+06 0.371676 -0.317319 -19.566950 -99.000000 -6.513276 0.000000 0.004427 0.002333 0.024987 0.000E+00 varcontrol save photos/x00600 for model 600 pgstar_out/ pgstar_out/ 700 6.848856 4062.492 -2.323269 -2.323269 0.899998 0.899998 0.734878 0.001298 0.240126 -2.035102 831 0 5.6285E+00 6.848856 -0.007605 -99.000000 -3.720000 -13.986319 0.000000 0.240135 0.010739 0.024987 0.105572 5 2.5929E+07 1.340209 -0.625346 -18.061800 -99.000000 -6.337367 0.000000 0.004427 0.002333 0.024987 0.000E+00 varcontrol save photos/x00700 for model 700 pgstar_out/ pgstar_out/ 800 7.084453 4901.865 -0.446795 -0.446795 0.899962 0.899962 0.630072 0.006448 0.240126 -1.525279 875 0 8.4370E+00 7.084453 -0.081436 -49.375498 -2.120025 -13.885371 0.000000 0.344205 0.010735 0.024987 0.102801 10 2.9126E+09 1.930711 -0.446733 -15.778499 -72.621192 -6.554906 0.000000 0.000015 0.002333 0.025722 0.000E+00 XHe_cntr save photos/x00800 for model 800 pgstar_out/ pgstar_out/ 900 7.256892 5223.456 -0.060060 -0.060060 0.899567 0.863891 0.000220 0.009863 0.240127 -0.348012 950 0 7.5215E+00 7.256892 0.056683 -37.147377 -1.488254 -13.357417 0.035676 0.974557 0.006785 0.024987 0.301181 10 2.0322E+10 2.854141 -0.060109 -99.000000 -49.313074 -6.759265 0.000000 0.000051 0.002333 0.025223 0.000E+00 lg_XH_cntr save photos/x00900 for model 900 pgstar_out/ pgstar_out/ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ step lg_Tmax Teff lg_LH lg_Lnuc Mass H_rich H_cntr N_cntr Y_surf eta_cntr zones retry lg_dt_yrs lg_Tcntr lg_R lg_L3a lg_Lneu lg_Mdot He_core He_cntr O_cntr Z_surf gam_cntr iters age_yrs lg_Dcntr lg_L lg_LZ lg_Lphoto lg_Dsurf CO_core C_cntr Ne_cntr Z_cntr v_div_cs dt_limit __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1000 7.306136 4880.703 0.070499 0.070499 0.899401 0.797425 0.000000 0.009867 0.240169 2.899697 1123 0 7.1488E+00 7.306136 0.180120 -32.741773 -1.183096 -13.105080 0.101976 0.974778 0.006780 0.024987 0.557285 10 2.3227E+10 3.802919 0.068864 -99.000000 -44.877626 -6.851510 0.000000 0.000052 0.002333 0.025222 0.000E+00 varcontrol save photos/x01000 for model 1000 pgstar_out/ pgstar_out/ 1100 7.371907 4522.685 0.288904 0.288904 0.899316 0.760788 0.000000 0.009867 0.248397 8.753342 1339 0 6.7388E+00 7.371907 0.356572 -27.791137 -0.892816 -12.711527 0.138528 0.974778 0.006780 0.024989 0.864044 10 2.3982E+10 4.571608 0.289424 -99.000000 -40.094008 -6.967771 0.000000 0.000052 0.002333 0.025222 0.000E+00 varcontrol save photos/x01100 for model 1100 pgstar_out/ pgstar_out/ 1200 7.404395 4490.242 0.637895 0.637895 0.899181 0.731798 0.000000 0.009867 0.262493 12.624108 1475 0 6.3626E+00 7.404395 0.537740 -25.486456 -0.529942 -12.179391 0.167383 0.974778 0.006780 0.025031 1.001320 10 2.4360E+10 4.861184 0.639252 -99.000000 -36.366099 -7.169387 0.000000 0.000052 0.002333 0.025222 0.000E+00 varcontrol save photos/x01200 for model 1200 pgstar_out/ pgstar_out/ 1300 7.433592 4431.585 0.889337 0.889337 0.899021 0.712295 0.000000 0.009867 0.264188 14.483999 1554 0 6.0057E+00 7.433592 0.675028 -23.786379 -0.275148 -11.789016 0.186726 0.974778 0.006780 0.025039 1.039511 7 2.4514E+10 4.997543 0.890985 -15.051500 -34.011711 -7.316215 0.000000 0.000052 0.002333 0.025222 0.000E+00 dX/X h1 save photos/x01300 for model 1300 pgstar_out/ pgstar_out/ 1400 7.457317 4368.980 1.071158 1.071158 0.898852 0.697993 0.000000 0.009867 0.264190 15.570014 1612 0 5.7367E+00 7.457317 0.778401 -22.363564 -0.092622 -11.502619 0.200859 0.974778 0.006780 0.025039 1.050725 7 2.4588E+10 5.082699 1.073017 -14.750470 -32.420959 -7.419988 0.000000 0.000052 0.002333 0.025222 0.000E+00 varcontrol save photos/x01400 for model 1400 pgstar_out/ pgstar_out/ stop because star_age >= max_age 0.2463000000E+11 0.2463000000E+11 1497 7.476068 4323.761 1.184484 1.184484 0.898687 0.687092 0.000000 0.009867 0.264190 16.303418 1641 0 5.2238E+00 7.476068 0.844399 -21.194032 0.020755 -11.320310 0.211594 0.974778 0.006780 0.025039 1.053845 5 2.4630E+10 5.142813 1.186939 -99.000000 -31.434582 -7.482405 0.000000 0.000052 0.002333 0.025222 0.000E+00 varcontrol solver retries 3 varcontrol dt limit 1158 max increase dt limit 404 max decrease dt limit 2 solver dt limit 2 dX/X dt limit 84 lg_XH_cntr dt limit 91 XHe_cntr dt limit 55 model saved to final.mod save photos/x01497 for model 1497 termination code: max_age runtime (minutes), retries, steps 9.02 0 1497 pgstar_out/ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ step lg_Tmax Teff lg_LH lg_Lnuc Mass H_rich H_cntr N_cntr Y_surf eta_cntr zones retry lg_dt_yrs lg_Tcntr lg_R lg_L3a lg_Lneu lg_Mdot He_core He_cntr O_cntr Z_surf gam_cntr iters age_yrs lg_Dcntr lg_L lg_LZ lg_Lphoto lg_Dsurf CO_core C_cntr Ne_cntr Z_cntr v_div_cs dt_limit __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1497 7.476068 4323.761 1.184484 1.184484 0.898687 0.687092 0.000000 0.009867 0.264190 16.303418 1641 0 5.2238E+00 7.476068 0.844399 -21.194032 0.020755 -11.320310 0.211594 0.974778 0.006780 0.025039 1.053845 5 2.4630E+10 5.142813 1.186939 -99.000000 -31.434582 -7.482405 0.000000 0.000052 0.002333 0.025222 0.000E+00 max increase DATE: 2024-09-06 TIME: 02:28:54 finished inlist_starspots_header DATE: 2024-09-06 TIME: 02:28:54 finished inlist_starspots_header starspots run: test string matches after ./rn restart from x01300 DATE: 2024-09-06 TIME: 02:28:54 reading user weak rate file ../../../data/rates_data/rate_tables/S13_r_be7_wk_li7.h5 version_number 0e84b02 read inlist_starspots read restart_photo read history_master.list read profile_master.list net name atm_option: table kap_option a09 kap_CO_option a09_co kap_lowT_option lowT_fa05_a09p OMP_NUM_THREADS 8 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ step lg_Tmax Teff lg_LH lg_Lnuc Mass H_rich H_cntr N_cntr Y_surf eta_cntr zones retry lg_dt_yrs lg_Tcntr lg_R lg_L3a lg_Lneu lg_Mdot He_core He_cntr O_cntr Z_surf gam_cntr iters age_yrs lg_Dcntr lg_L lg_LZ lg_Lphoto lg_Dsurf CO_core C_cntr Ne_cntr Z_cntr v_div_cs dt_limit __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ pgstar_out/ 1400 7.457317 4368.980 1.071158 1.071158 0.898852 0.697993 0.000000 0.009867 0.264190 15.570014 1612 0 5.7367E+00 7.457317 0.778401 -22.363564 -0.092622 -11.502619 0.200859 0.974778 0.006780 0.025039 1.050725 7 2.4588E+10 5.082699 1.073017 -14.750470 -32.420959 -7.419988 0.000000 0.000052 0.002333 0.025222 0.000E+00 varcontrol save photos/x01400 for model 1400 pgstar_out/ pgstar_out/ stop because star_age >= max_age 0.2463000000E+11 0.2463000000E+11 1497 7.476068 4323.761 1.184484 1.184484 0.898687 0.687092 0.000000 0.009867 0.264190 16.303418 1641 0 5.2238E+00 7.476068 0.844399 -21.194032 0.020755 -11.320310 0.211594 0.974778 0.006780 0.025039 1.053845 5 2.4630E+10 5.142813 1.186939 -99.000000 -31.434582 -7.482405 0.000000 0.000052 0.002333 0.025222 0.000E+00 varcontrol solver retries 3 varcontrol dt limit 1158 max increase dt limit 404 max decrease dt limit 2 solver dt limit 2 dX/X dt limit 84 lg_XH_cntr dt limit 91 XHe_cntr dt limit 55 model saved to final.mod save photos/x01497 for model 1497 termination code: max_age pgstar_out/ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ step lg_Tmax Teff lg_LH lg_Lnuc Mass H_rich H_cntr N_cntr Y_surf eta_cntr zones retry lg_dt_yrs lg_Tcntr lg_R lg_L3a lg_Lneu lg_Mdot He_core He_cntr O_cntr Z_surf gam_cntr iters age_yrs lg_Dcntr lg_L lg_LZ lg_Lphoto lg_Dsurf CO_core C_cntr Ne_cntr Z_cntr v_div_cs dt_limit __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1497 7.476068 4323.761 1.184484 1.184484 0.898687 0.687092 0.000000 0.009867 0.264190 16.303418 1641 0 5.2238E+00 7.476068 0.844399 -21.194032 0.020755 -11.320310 0.211594 0.974778 0.006780 0.025039 1.053845 5 2.4630E+10 5.142813 1.186939 -99.000000 -31.434582 -7.482405 0.000000 0.000052 0.002333 0.025222 0.000E+00 max increase DATE: 2024-09-06 TIME: 02:30:57 starspots restart: checksum for final.mod matches after ./re x01300