DATE: 2024-10-01 TIME: 12:35:36 run inlist_create_header DATE: 2024-10-01 TIME: 12:35:36 read /n/holyscratch01/conroy_lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.fbFpnvGuxt/data/eosDT_data/helm_table.dat write /n/holyscratch01/conroy_lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.fbFpnvGuxt/data/eosDT_data/cache/helm_table.bin reading user weak rate file /n/holyscratch01/conroy_lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.fbFpnvGuxt/data/rates_data/rate_tables/S13_r_be7_wk_li7.h5 version_number 2aca86c read inlist_create load saved model planet_core_1.0_MJ_10.0_ME_2.0_RJ.mod write /n/holyscratch01/conroy_lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.fbFpnvGuxt/data/eosDT_data/cache/mesa-FreeEOS_00z90x.bin write /n/holyscratch01/conroy_lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.fbFpnvGuxt/data/eosDT_data/cache/mesa-FreeEOS_02z70x.bin write /n/holyscratch01/conroy_lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.fbFpnvGuxt/data/eosDT_data/cache/mesa-FreeEOS_02z80x.bin write /n/holyscratch01/conroy_lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.fbFpnvGuxt/data/eosDT_data/cache/mesa-FreeEOS_02z90x.bin write /n/holyscratch01/conroy_lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.fbFpnvGuxt/data/eosDT_data/cache/mesa-eosDT_00z80x.bin write /n/holyscratch01/conroy_lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.fbFpnvGuxt/data/eosDT_data/cache/mesa-eosDT_00z100x.bin write /n/holyscratch01/conroy_lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.fbFpnvGuxt/data/eosDT_data/cache/mesa-eosDT_02z40x.bin write /n/holyscratch01/conroy_lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.fbFpnvGuxt/data/eosDT_data/cache/mesa-eosDT_02z60x.bin write /n/holyscratch01/conroy_lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.fbFpnvGuxt/data/eosDT_data/cache/mesa-eosDT_02z80x.bin write /n/holyscratch01/conroy_lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.fbFpnvGuxt/data/kap_data/cache/lowT_Freedman11_z0.01.bin write /n/holyscratch01/conroy_lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.fbFpnvGuxt/data/kap_data/cache/lowT_Freedman11_z0.02.bin set_initial_number_retries 0 relax_tau_factor 1.0000000000000000D+01 current tau_factor 1.0000000000000000D+00 relax to new tau_factor 1.0000000000000000D+01 dlogtau_factor 1.0000000000000000D-02 correction_norm > tol_correction_norm 56 9.1542584477753277D-05 3.0000000000000001D-05 1.0000000000000000D+00 max_abs_correction > tol_max_correction 56 3.9324172550407634D-03 3.0000000000000001D-03 1.0000000000000000D+00 solver rejected trial model s% model_number 56 s% solver_call_number 1 nz 445 s% num_retries 0 dt 9.2485109412531281D+09 log dt/secyer 2.4669678475938652D+00 retry: avg+max corr -- give up in solver 56 retry: logRho > hydro_mtx_max_allowed_logRho 88 57 correction_norm > tol_correction_norm 57 7.9420890329792837D-05 3.0000000000000001D-05 1.0000000000000000D-02 max_abs_correction > tol_max_correction 57 1.9548637452109670D-02 3.0000000000000001D-03 1.0000000000000000D-02 retry: avg+max corr -- give up in solver 57 correction_norm > tol_correction_norm 57 7.4143849427187630D-05 3.0000000000000001D-05 1.0000000000000000D-02 max_abs_correction > tol_max_correction 57 2.2879836568623579D-02 3.0000000000000001D-03 1.0000000000000000D-02 retry: avg+max corr -- give up in solver 57 correction_norm > tol_correction_norm 57 1.2412565897500398D-04 3.0000000000000001D-05 1.0000000000000000D-02 max_abs_correction > tol_max_correction 57 3.2407822919542896D-02 3.0000000000000001D-03 1.0000000000000000D-02 retry: avg+max corr -- give up in solver 57 correction_norm > tol_correction_norm 57 7.4247609132081901D-04 3.0000000000000001D-05 1.0000000000000000D-02 max_abs_correction > tol_max_correction 57 3.4279784785083084D-01 3.0000000000000001D-03 1.0000000000000000D-02 retry: avg+max corr -- give up in solver 57 retry: avg corr too large -- give up in solver 59 retry: adjust_correction failed in eval_equations -- give up in solver 59 retry: eos evaluated at too low a density 59 retry: avg corr too large -- give up in solver 59 retry: logRho > hydro_mtx_max_allowed_logRho 231 59 retry: avg corr too large -- give up in solver 59 retry: avg corr too large -- give up in solver 59 retry: avg corr too large -- give up in solver 59 retry: logT < hydro_mtx_min_allowed_logT 306 60 retry: max residual jumped -- give up in solver 60 retry: max residual jumped -- give up in solver 60 retry: max residual jumped -- give up in solver 60 60 4.778057 1353.045 -21.949435 -21.949435 0.000925 0.000925 0.740000 0.001008 0.240000 4.701248 445 18 -2.9516E+00 4.778057 -0.708121 -99.000000 -23.346989 -99.000000 0.000000 0.240000 0.009360 0.020000 4.798128 9 1.5571E+02 0.114898 -3.936298 -37.628749 -99.000000 -5.395576 0.000000 0.003442 0.002099 0.020000 0.000E+00 retry tau_factor target current 1.0000000000000000D+01 1.0964781961431846D+00 retry: avg corr too large -- give up in solver 61 retry: max residual jumped -- give up in solver 61 retry: logRho > hydro_mtx_max_allowed_logRho 16 61 retry: logRho > hydro_mtx_max_allowed_logRho 296 61 retry: logT < hydro_mtx_min_allowed_logT 294 61 retry: logT < hydro_mtx_min_allowed_logT 288 61 retry: logT < hydro_mtx_min_allowed_logT 288 61 retry: logT < hydro_mtx_min_allowed_logT 288 61 retry: logT < hydro_mtx_min_allowed_logT 288 61 retry: logT > hydro_mtx_max_allowed_logT 324 61 retry: logT > hydro_mtx_max_allowed_logT 326 61 retry: logT > hydro_mtx_max_allowed_logT 322 61 retry: logT > hydro_mtx_max_allowed_logT 320 61 retry: logT < hydro_mtx_min_allowed_logT 288 61 retry: logT < hydro_mtx_min_allowed_logT 288 61 retry: logT < hydro_mtx_min_allowed_logT 288 61 retry: logT < hydro_mtx_min_allowed_logT 288 61 retry: logT < hydro_mtx_min_allowed_logT 288 61 retry: logT < hydro_mtx_min_allowed_logT 288 61 retry: logT < hydro_mtx_min_allowed_logT 288 61 retry: logT < hydro_mtx_min_allowed_logT 288 61 retry: logT < hydro_mtx_min_allowed_logT 288 61 retry: logT < hydro_mtx_min_allowed_logT 288 61 retry: avg corr too large -- give up in solver 61 retry: avg corr too large -- give up in solver 61 retry: avg corr too large -- give up in solver 61 retry: avg corr too large -- give up in solver 61 retry: avg corr too large -- give up in solver 61 retry: avg corr too large -- give up in solver 61 retry: avg corr too large -- give up in solver 61 retry: avg corr too large -- give up in solver 61 retry: avg corr too large -- give up in solver 61 retry: avg corr too large -- give up in solver 61 retry: avg corr too large -- give up in solver 61 retry: avg corr too large -- give up in solver 61 retry: avg corr too large -- give up in solver 61 dt 5.1339548952384506D-07 min_timestep_limit 9.9999999999999995D-07 stopping because of problems dt < min_timestep_limit failed in relax tau factor star_relax_tau_factor ierr -1 do_star_job_controls_after ierr -1 do_before_evolve_loop ierr -1 do_before_evolve_loop ierr -1 DATE: 2024-10-01 TIME: 12:37:00 ****************************************************************** failed to create start.mod when running inlist_create_header ****************************************************************** ******************** irradiated_planet failed: non-zero exit code ********************