DATE: 2024-10-01 TIME: 12:36:06 run inlist_relax_mass_header DATE: 2024-10-01 TIME: 12:36:06 read /n/holyscratch01/conroy_lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.fbFpnvGuxt/data/eosDT_data/helm_table.dat write /n/holyscratch01/conroy_lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.fbFpnvGuxt/data/eosDT_data/cache/helm_table.bin reading user weak rate file /n/holyscratch01/conroy_lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.fbFpnvGuxt/data/rates_data/rate_tables/S13_r_be7_wk_li7.h5 version_number 2aca86c read inlist_relax_mass The terminal output contains the following information 'step' is the number of steps since the start of the run, 'lg_dt' is log10 timestep in years, 'age_yr' is the simulated years since the start run, 'lg_Tcntr' is log10 center temperature (K), 'lg_Dcntr' is log10 center density (g/cm^3), 'lg_Tmax' is log10 max temperature (K), 'Teff' is the surface temperature (K), 'lg_R' is log10 surface radius (Rsun), 'lg_L' is log10 surface luminosity (Lsun), 'lg_LH' is log10 total PP and CNO hydrogen burning power (Lsun), 'lg_L3a' is log10 total triple-alpha helium burning power (Lsun), 'lg_gsurf' is log10 surface gravity, 'lg_LNuc' is log10 nuclear power (Lsun), 'lg_LNeu' is log10 total neutrino power (Lsun), 'lg_Lphoto' is log10 total photodisintegration (Lsun), 'Mass' is the total stellar baryonic mass (Msun), 'lg_Mdot' is log10 magnitude of rate of change of mass (Msun/year), 'lg_Dsurf' is log10 surface density (g/cm^3), 'H_env' is the amount of mass where H is dominant, 'He_core' is the largest mass where He is dominant. 'CO_core' is the largest mass where CO is dominant. 'H_cntr' is the center H1 mass fraction, 'He_cntr' is the center He4 mass fraction, 'C_cntr' is the center C12 mass fraction, 'N_cntr' is the center N14 mass fraction, 'O_cntr' is the center O16 mass fraction, 'Ne_cntr' is the center Ne20 mass fraction, 'gam_cntr' is the center plasma interaction parameter, 'eta_cntr' is the center electron degeneracy parameter, 'zones' is the number of zones in the current model, 'iters' is the number of solver iterations for the current step, 'retry' is the number of step retries required during the run, 'dt_limit' is an indication of what limited the timestep. All this and more are saved in the LOGS directory during the run. load saved model make_co_wd_6M.mod set_tau_factor 3.0000000000000000D+01 set_initial_model_number 0 set_initial_number_retries 0 net name tau_factor 3.0000000000000000D+01 kap_option gs98 kap_CO_option gs98_co kap_lowT_option lowT_fa05_gs98 OMP_NUM_THREADS 8 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ step lg_Tmax Teff lg_LH lg_Lnuc Mass H_rich H_cntr N_cntr Y_surf eta_cntr zones retry lg_dt_yrs lg_Tcntr lg_R lg_L3a lg_Lneu lg_Mdot He_core He_cntr O_cntr Z_surf gam_cntr iters age_yrs lg_Dcntr lg_L lg_LZ lg_Lphoto lg_Dsurf CO_core C_cntr Ne_cntr Si_cntr v_div_cs dt_limit __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ hydro_solver_step returned ierr -1 s% model_number 1 nz 784 s% num_retries 0 retry: logT > hydro_mtx_max_allowed_logT 14 1 1st model retry log10(dt/yr) 4.5677357051851359D+00 hydro_solver_step returned ierr -1 s% model_number 1 nz 784 s% num_retries 1 retry: logT < hydro_mtx_min_allowed_logT 82 1 1st model retry log10(dt/yr) 4.2667057095211547D+00 hydro_solver_step returned ierr -1 s% model_number 1 nz 784 s% num_retries 2 retry: logT < hydro_mtx_min_allowed_logT 20 1 1st model retry log10(dt/yr) 3.9656757138571739D+00 hydro_solver_step returned ierr -1 s% model_number 1 nz 784 s% num_retries 3 retry: logT < hydro_mtx_min_allowed_logT 76 1 1st model retry log10(dt/yr) 3.6646457181931926D+00 hydro_solver_step returned ierr -1 s% model_number 1 nz 784 s% num_retries 4 retry: logT > hydro_mtx_max_allowed_logT 44 1 1st model retry log10(dt/yr) 3.3636157225292114D+00 hydro_solver_step returned ierr -1 s% model_number 1 nz 784 s% num_retries 5 retry: logT < hydro_mtx_min_allowed_logT 138 1 1st model retry log10(dt/yr) 3.0625857268652301D+00 hydro_solver_step returned ierr -1 s% model_number 2 nz 1087 s% num_retries 6 retry: logT < hydro_mtx_min_allowed_logT 376 2 10 7.925088 6.071E+04 -3.630797 -3.630754 0.957675 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.981611 121.499166 1126 7 3.3950E+00 7.884814 -2.060407 -13.921018 0.680655 -9.000000 0.957675 0.000000 0.621209 0.017062 18.903242 4 7.4098E+07 7.414285 -0.033024 -7.628525 -99.000000 -4.202263 0.955409 0.352931 0.001956 0.003291 0.000E+00 max increase save photos/x010 for model 10 20 7.908209 5.696E+04 -13.122535 -8.171897 0.957598 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.980897 122.965391 956 7 4.1868E+00 7.879787 -2.061833 -14.850075 0.625442 -9.000000 0.957598 0.000000 0.621209 0.019103 19.129063 4 7.4175E+07 7.414676 -0.146799 -8.171902 -99.000000 -4.185388 0.955409 0.352931 0.001956 0.003291 0.000E+00 max increase save photos/x020 for model 20 30 7.855126 4.770E+04 -19.620844 -10.153213 0.957119 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.980623 130.331652 925 7 4.9786E+00 7.855126 -2.066278 -18.134437 0.354624 -9.000000 0.957119 0.000000 0.621209 0.019377 20.266846 5 7.4654E+07 7.415970 -0.463775 -10.153213 -99.000000 -4.120419 0.955409 0.352931 0.001956 0.003291 0.000E+00 lgTeff save photos/x030 for model 30 write /n/holyscratch01/conroy_lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.fbFpnvGuxt/data/eosDT_data/cache/mesa-FreeEOS_20z00x.bin write /n/holyscratch01/conroy_lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.fbFpnvGuxt/data/eosDT_data/cache/mesa-FreeEOS_30z00x.bin write /n/holyscratch01/conroy_lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.fbFpnvGuxt/data/eosDT_data/cache/mesa-FreeEOS_40z00x.bin 40 7.821865 3.753E+04 -20.048185 -12.189246 0.956145 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.536628 140.725367 905 7 5.0995E+00 7.821865 -2.071112 -21.700180 0.004465 -9.000000 0.956145 0.000000 0.621209 0.463372 21.881937 8 7.5627E+07 7.416085 -0.890075 -12.189246 -99.000000 -3.674934 0.955390 0.352931 0.001956 0.003291 0.000E+00 max increase save photos/x040 for model 40 write /n/holyscratch01/conroy_lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.fbFpnvGuxt/data/eosDT_data/cache/mesa-FreeEOS_60z00x.bin write /n/holyscratch01/conroy_lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.fbFpnvGuxt/data/eosDT_data/cache/mesa-FreeEOS_70z00x.bin 50 7.768933 3.252E+04 -20.558127 -16.875168 0.953611 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000913 158.351181 884 7 5.3250E+00 7.768933 -2.074085 -34.091721 -0.480724 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.621209 0.999087 24.648952 5 7.8161E+07 7.412429 -1.145004 -16.875258 -99.000000 -3.384334 0.953611 0.352931 0.001956 0.003291 0.000E+00 dX/X he4 save LOGS/ for model 50 save photos/x050 for model 50 stop because star_mass <= star_mass_min_limit 0.9494271791E+00 0.9500000000E+00 58 7.715152 2.838E+04 -20.988378 -17.986579 0.949427 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 177.567767 885 7 5.9584E+00 7.715152 -2.073555 -53.629513 -0.908299 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.621209 1.000000 27.712100 5 8.2345E+07 7.403700 -1.380559 -17.987012 -99.000000 -3.364240 0.949427 0.352931 0.001956 0.003291 0.000E+00 max increase save LOGS/ for model 58 solver retries 7 max increase dt limit 43 dX/X dt limit 6 lgTeff dt limit 9 model saved to wd_c_core_ignition.mod save photos/x058 for model 58 termination code: star_mass_min_limit runtime (minutes), retries, steps 0.71 7 58 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ step lg_Tmax Teff lg_LH lg_Lnuc Mass H_rich H_cntr N_cntr Y_surf eta_cntr zones retry lg_dt_yrs lg_Tcntr lg_R lg_L3a lg_Lneu lg_Mdot He_core He_cntr O_cntr Z_surf gam_cntr iters age_yrs lg_Dcntr lg_L lg_LZ lg_Lphoto lg_Dsurf CO_core C_cntr Ne_cntr Si_cntr v_div_cs dt_limit __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 58 7.715152 2.838E+04 -20.988378 -17.986579 0.949427 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 177.567767 885 7 5.9584E+00 7.715152 -2.073555 -53.629513 -0.908299 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.621209 1.000000 27.712100 5 8.2345E+07 7.403700 -1.380559 -17.987012 -99.000000 -3.364240 0.949427 0.352931 0.001956 0.003291 0.000E+00 lgTeff DATE: 2024-10-01 TIME: 12:38:01 finished inlist_relax_mass_header run inlist_wd_c_core_ignition_header DATE: 2024-10-01 TIME: 12:38:02 reading user weak rate file /n/holyscratch01/conroy_lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.fbFpnvGuxt/data/rates_data/rate_tables/S13_r_be7_wk_li7.h5 version_number 2aca86c read inlist_wd_c_core_ignition load saved model wd_c_core_ignition.mod WARNING: changing to saved tau_factor = 3.0000000000000000D+01 change to "" number of species 21 set_tau_factor 3.0000000000000000D+01 set_initial_dt (years) 1.0000000000000000D+04 set_initial_model_number 0 set_initial_number_retries 0 new_v_flag T net name v_flag T tau_factor 3.0000000000000000D+01 atm_option: T_tau set_cumulative_energy_error 0.0000000000000000D+00 kap_option gs98 kap_CO_option gs98_co kap_lowT_option lowT_fa05_gs98 OMP_NUM_THREADS 8 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ step lg_Tmax Teff lg_LH lg_Lnuc Mass H_rich H_cntr N_cntr Y_surf eta_cntr zones retry lg_dt_yrs lg_Tcntr lg_R lg_L3a lg_Lneu lg_Mdot He_core He_cntr O_cntr Z_surf gam_cntr iters age_yrs lg_Dcntr lg_L lg_LZ lg_Lphoto lg_Dsurf CO_core C_cntr Ne_cntr Si_cntr v_div_cs dt_limit __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10 7.707990 3.506E+04 -21.049199 -18.151925 0.949687 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 178.968914 907 0 4.7126E+00 7.707990 -2.070422 -54.301373 -0.952356 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.621209 1.000000 28.024569 4 8.2605E+07 7.394840 -1.006765 -18.152475 -99.000000 -3.418095 0.949687 0.352931 0.021769 0.003291 -0.858E-12 max increase rel_E_err -2.8631912664708954D-07 log_rel_run_E_err -4.6006714433030647 20 7.696494 3.548E+04 -21.082793 -18.333680 0.951294 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 184.673938 912 0 5.5044E+00 7.696494 -2.071340 -54.582226 -1.006429 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.621209 1.000000 28.877804 4 8.4212E+07 7.399428 -0.988041 -18.334455 -99.000000 -3.419289 0.951294 0.352931 0.021769 0.003291 -0.266E-12 max increase rel_E_err -3.5483080493357120D-06 log_rel_run_E_err -4.4025965838265355 30 7.656397 3.470E+04 -21.237822 -18.966661 0.961246 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 208.652298 921 0 6.2963E+00 7.656397 -2.077999 -55.225103 -1.293632 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.621209 1.000000 32.356379 4 9.4164E+07 7.427324 -1.040150 -18.968993 -99.000000 -3.381012 0.961246 0.352931 0.021769 0.003291 -0.880E-13 max increase rel_E_err -4.8435647766190323D-05 log_rel_run_E_err -3.6376600212703503 40 7.592983 3.342E+04 -21.260238 -19.801669 0.997982 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 269.029375 938 0 6.5566E+00 7.592983 -2.101461 -54.592151 -1.887516 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.621209 1.000000 40.511858 4 1.3090E+08 7.529947 -1.152009 -19.817046 -99.000000 -3.279795 0.997982 0.352931 0.021769 0.003291 -0.577E-13 lgRho_cntr rel_E_err -0.0001168305805525 log_rel_run_E_err -2.8592888907518073 50 7.564369 3.327E+04 -20.995389 -19.877342 1.032975 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 319.058036 939 0 6.5352E+00 7.564369 -2.124182 -54.282734 -2.211593 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.621209 1.000000 46.764035 4 1.6589E+08 7.631095 -1.205327 -19.911764 -99.000000 -3.196796 1.032975 0.352931 0.021769 0.003291 -0.538E-13 lgRho_cntr rel_E_err -0.0001089905300038 log_rel_run_E_err -2.6332412390083579 save LOGS/ for model 50 save photos/x050 for model 50 60 7.546864 3.351E+04 -20.758456 -19.678580 1.066341 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 368.231868 934 0 6.5129E+00 7.546864 -2.146970 -53.932874 -2.449954 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.621209 1.000000 52.624520 4 1.9926E+08 7.732410 -1.238455 -19.716305 -99.000000 -3.117944 1.066341 0.352931 0.021769 0.003291 -0.501E-13 lgRho_cntr rel_E_err -0.0001010331796798 log_rel_run_E_err -2.5050869224388470 70 7.535078 3.393E+04 -20.586887 -19.318412 1.097916 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 418.779483 945 0 6.4877E+00 7.535078 -2.169959 -53.508008 -2.643718 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.621209 1.000000 58.452537 4 2.3083E+08 7.833897 -1.263019 -19.342471 -99.000000 -3.040318 1.097916 0.352931 0.021769 0.003291 -0.479E-13 lgRho_cntr rel_E_err -9.5039397093773671D-05 log_rel_run_E_err -2.4199464145822871 80 7.527029 3.453E+04 -20.485052 -18.825974 1.127607 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 471.487534 952 0 6.4598E+00 7.527029 -2.193171 -52.990765 -2.802772 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.621209 1.000000 64.377015 4 2.6053E+08 7.935533 -1.278885 -18.835601 -99.000000 -2.963032 1.127607 0.352931 0.021769 0.003291 -0.453E-13 lgRho_cntr rel_E_err -8.7485147424307090D-05 log_rel_run_E_err -2.3590190779742102 90 7.522067 3.526E+04 -20.380194 -18.210422 1.155372 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 526.330545 955 0 6.4296E+00 7.522067 -2.216646 -52.372930 -2.932843 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.621209 1.000000 70.407123 4 2.8829E+08 8.037302 -1.289514 -18.213370 -99.000000 -2.885271 1.155372 0.352931 0.021769 0.003291 -0.434E-13 lgRho_cntr rel_E_err -8.0890110775880771D-05 log_rel_run_E_err -2.3134624623055777 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ step lg_Tmax Teff lg_LH lg_Lnuc Mass H_rich H_cntr N_cntr Y_surf eta_cntr zones retry lg_dt_yrs lg_Tcntr lg_R lg_L3a lg_Lneu lg_Mdot He_core He_cntr O_cntr Z_surf gam_cntr iters age_yrs lg_Dcntr lg_L lg_LZ lg_Lphoto lg_Dsurf CO_core C_cntr Ne_cntr Si_cntr v_div_cs dt_limit __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 100 7.519366 3.608E+04 -20.315071 -17.496477 1.181199 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 583.727370 953 0 6.3972E+00 7.519366 -2.240408 -51.674520 -3.040921 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.621209 1.000000 76.609595 4 3.1412E+08 8.139200 -1.296954 -17.497137 -99.000000 -2.806476 1.181199 0.352931 0.021769 0.003291 -0.422E-13 lgRho_cntr rel_E_err -7.5330688199094051D-05 log_rel_run_E_err -2.2777534252495912 save LOGS/ for model 100 save photos/x100 for model 100 110 7.518907 3.705E+04 -20.201000 -16.697761 1.205109 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 643.247876 968 0 6.3628E+00 7.518907 -2.264457 -50.877224 -3.122790 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.621209 1.000000 82.936942 4 3.3803E+08 8.241217 -1.299218 -16.697897 -99.000000 -2.726496 1.205109 0.352931 0.021769 0.003291 -0.407E-13 lgRho_cntr rel_E_err -6.9252741226651055D-05 log_rel_run_E_err -2.2493264330922904 120 7.520774 3.815E+04 -19.976784 -15.863324 1.227143 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 704.225632 960 0 6.3265E+00 7.520774 -2.288810 -49.970581 -3.177943 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.621209 1.000000 89.314916 4 3.6006E+08 8.343346 -1.296889 -15.863358 -99.000000 -2.644853 1.227143 0.352931 0.021769 0.003291 -0.399E-13 lgRho_cntr rel_E_err -6.4001310322430498D-05 log_rel_run_E_err -2.2263997921957484 130 7.524759 3.936E+04 -19.756469 -15.169529 1.247359 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 766.396379 962 0 6.2882E+00 7.524759 -2.313481 -48.970037 -3.211488 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.621209 1.000000 95.723701 4 3.8028E+08 8.445587 -1.292195 -15.169541 -99.000000 -2.560634 1.247359 0.352931 0.021769 0.003291 -0.397E-13 lgRho_cntr rel_E_err -5.9494080535734436D-05 log_rel_run_E_err -2.2074212086594298 140 7.531037 4.082E+04 -19.587436 -14.706483 1.265832 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 828.810494 970 0 6.2483E+00 7.531037 -2.338452 -47.852221 -3.215016 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.621209 1.000000 102.059636 4 3.9875E+08 8.547926 -1.278749 -14.706489 -99.000000 -2.474355 1.265832 0.352931 0.021769 0.003291 -0.393E-13 lgRho_cntr rel_E_err -5.4702701017933798D-05 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1918365329848233 150 7.539630 4.251E+04 -19.448496 -14.381441 1.282644 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 890.695398 962 0 6.2065E+00 7.539630 -2.363741 -46.638728 -3.193590 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.621209 1.000000 108.244951 4 4.1556E+08 8.650365 -1.259020 -14.381444 -99.000000 -2.385709 1.282644 0.352931 0.021769 0.003291 -0.386E-13 lgRho_cntr rel_E_err -4.9258625916338096D-05 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1787886388890212 save LOGS/ for model 150 save photos/x150 for model 150 160 7.550640 4.430E+04 -19.342208 -14.125741 1.297887 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 951.045979 971 0 6.1633E+00 7.550640 -2.389369 -45.330512 -3.155307 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.621209 1.000000 114.176428 4 4.3080E+08 8.752903 -1.238288 -14.125744 -99.000000 -2.293482 1.297887 0.352931 0.021769 0.003291 -0.395E-13 lgRho_cntr rel_E_err -4.6177874717847188D-05 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1678038084231299 170 7.563872 4.640E+04 -19.307462 -13.847903 1.311656 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.101E+04 969 0 6.1184E+00 7.563872 -2.415317 -43.941613 -3.093733 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.621209 1.000000 119.826521 4 4.4457E+08 8.855529 -1.209853 -13.847904 -99.000000 -2.199771 1.311656 0.352931 0.021769 0.003291 -0.402E-13 lgRho_cntr rel_E_err -4.2436706944831063D-05 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1585113893927166 180 7.579382 4.882E+04 -19.337716 -13.254928 1.324052 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.107E+04 972 0 6.0721E+00 7.579382 -2.441587 -42.486756 -3.011466 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.621209 1.000000 125.106875 4 4.5697E+08 8.958241 -1.173992 -13.254928 -99.000000 -2.106086 1.324052 0.352931 0.021769 0.003291 -0.402E-13 lgRho_cntr rel_E_err -3.8325686479412442D-05 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1506485380065801 190 7.597069 5.140E+04 -19.446933 -12.268957 1.335172 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.112E+04 982 0 6.0244E+00 7.597069 -2.468180 -41.000683 -2.916179 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.621209 1.000000 129.974966 4 4.6809E+08 9.061039 -1.137740 -12.268957 -99.000000 -2.011801 1.335172 0.352931 0.021769 0.003291 -0.417E-13 lgRho_cntr rel_E_err -3.5820482516587577D-05 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1439169089789853 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ step lg_Tmax Teff lg_LH lg_Lnuc Mass H_rich H_cntr N_cntr Y_surf eta_cntr zones retry lg_dt_yrs lg_Tcntr lg_R lg_L3a lg_Lneu lg_Mdot He_core He_cntr O_cntr Z_surf gam_cntr iters age_yrs lg_Dcntr lg_L lg_LZ lg_Lphoto lg_Dsurf CO_core C_cntr Ne_cntr Si_cntr v_div_cs dt_limit __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 200 7.616823 5.440E+04 -19.656168 -11.285161 1.345120 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.117E+04 978 0 5.9753E+00 7.616823 -2.495114 -39.638332 -2.801945 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.621209 1.000000 134.399630 4 4.7804E+08 9.163915 -1.093187 -11.285161 -99.000000 -1.920224 1.345120 0.352931 0.021769 0.003291 -0.424E-13 lgRho_cntr rel_E_err -3.2785068291458784D-05 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1381805378830450 save LOGS/ for model 200 save photos/x200 for model 200 210 7.638509 5.776E+04 -19.989722 -10.658514 1.353989 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.121E+04 973 0 5.9249E+00 7.638509 -2.522376 -39.033676 -2.673382 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.621209 1.000000 138.366084 4 4.8691E+08 9.266867 -1.043683 -10.658514 -99.000000 -1.830100 1.353989 0.352931 0.021769 0.003291 -0.430E-13 lgRho_cntr rel_E_err -3.0021291400553734D-05 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1332550998792339 220 7.662072 6.144E+04 -20.249388 -10.547879 1.361875 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.125E+04 972 0 5.8733E+00 7.662072 -2.549965 -38.820402 -2.531970 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.621209 1.000000 141.843039 4 4.9479E+08 9.369892 -0.991298 -10.547879 -99.000000 -1.740593 1.361875 0.352931 0.021769 0.003291 -0.439E-13 lgRho_cntr rel_E_err -2.7505732872197053D-05 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1290576305927571 230 7.687307 6.560E+04 -20.540971 -8.975819 1.368868 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.129E+04 983 0 5.8205E+00 7.687307 -2.577871 -38.612661 -2.377881 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.621209 1.000000 144.856326 4 5.0179E+08 9.472984 -0.933522 -8.975819 -99.000000 -1.652614 1.368868 0.352931 0.021769 0.003291 -0.444E-13 lgRho_cntr rel_E_err -2.5034323843560978D-05 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1254794493308768 240 7.714035 7.009E+04 -20.859623 -6.636107 1.375052 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.132E+04 983 0 5.7667E+00 7.714035 -2.606100 -38.418078 -2.215040 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.621209 1.000000 147.433076 4 5.0797E+08 9.576141 -0.874788 -6.636107 -99.000000 -1.564395 1.375052 0.352931 0.021769 0.003291 -0.458E-13 lgRho_cntr rel_E_err -2.3186960224751682D-05 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1223998741171504 250 7.742112 7.515E+04 -21.190043 -4.348204 1.380508 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.134E+04 986 0 5.7118E+00 7.742112 -2.634637 -38.242091 -2.042197 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.621209 1.000000 149.597169 4 5.1343E+08 9.679358 -0.810905 -4.348204 -99.000000 -1.477510 1.380508 0.352930 0.021770 0.003291 -0.465E-13 lgRho_cntr rel_E_err -2.1113126362359428D-05 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1197795803450106 save LOGS/ for model 250 save photos/x250 for model 250 260 7.774007 8.074E+04 -21.530428 -2.115833 1.385309 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.136E+04 1000 0 5.6552E+00 7.774007 -2.663589 -38.049658 -1.859940 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.621297 1.000000 150.495316 4 5.1823E+08 9.782661 -0.744129 -2.115833 -99.000000 -1.390636 1.385309 0.352729 0.021880 0.003291 -0.470E-13 lgRho_cntr rel_E_err -1.9180040510038682D-05 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1175359990620604 270 7.885944 8.644E+04 -18.810770 -0.256858 1.388993 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.113E+04 1016 0 5.3392E+00 7.885944 -2.688494 -34.262641 -1.620084 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.622401 1.000000 124.685498 12 5.2191E+08 9.871060 -0.675342 -0.256858 -99.000000 -1.320447 1.388993 0.350182 0.023253 0.003291 -0.627E-13 lgT_cntr rel_E_err -6.7233401050200838D-06 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1164127747994184 retry: check_lgL_nuc_change hard limit 273 solver rejected trial model s% model_number 275 s% solver_call_number 276 nz 1019 s% num_retries 1 dt 1.8864164809616406D+12 log dt/secyer 4.7765336149614974D+00 retry: max residual jumped -- give up in solver 275 280 7.943390 8.856E+04 -21.893090 0.171777 1.389658 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.100E+04 1027 2 4.3956E+00 7.943390 -2.692931 -31.542551 -1.479092 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.622260 1.000000 110.544311 4 5.2258E+08 9.886887 -0.642242 0.171777 -99.000000 -1.315625 1.389658 0.350537 0.023061 0.003291 -0.207E-12 Lnuc rel_E_err -2.7965424541563704D-07 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1167944741451485 290 7.970259 8.923E+04 -21.914498 0.348143 1.389864 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 946.398527 1040 2 4.2503E+00 7.970259 -2.694213 -30.407503 -1.408726 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.622232 1.000000 104.271343 4 5.2278E+08 9.891455 -0.631664 0.348143 -99.000000 -1.314577 1.389864 0.350615 0.023018 0.003291 -0.252E-12 Lnuc rel_E_err -1.7591741852266047D-07 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1170619061242930 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ step lg_Tmax Teff lg_LH lg_Lnuc Mass H_rich H_cntr N_cntr Y_surf eta_cntr zones retry lg_dt_yrs lg_Tcntr lg_R lg_L3a lg_Lneu lg_Mdot He_core He_cntr O_cntr Z_surf gam_cntr iters age_yrs lg_Dcntr lg_L lg_LZ lg_Lphoto lg_Dsurf CO_core C_cntr Ne_cntr Si_cntr v_div_cs dt_limit __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 300 7.996035 8.971E+04 -21.931387 0.514148 1.390017 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 894.132608 1040 2 4.1287E+00 7.996035 -2.695091 -29.379367 -1.334683 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.622251 1.000000 98.499716 4 5.2293E+08 9.894571 -0.624069 0.514148 -99.000000 -1.313979 1.390017 0.350585 0.023034 0.003291 -0.297E-12 Lnuc rel_E_err -1.1864824433448893D-07 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1172595257646618 save LOGS/ for model 300 save photos/x300 for model 300 310 8.021432 9.008E+04 -21.945249 0.679790 1.390133 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 844.756434 1040 2 4.0091E+00 8.021432 -2.695669 -28.413013 -1.252982 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.622224 1.000000 93.045789 4 5.2305E+08 9.896623 -0.618108 0.679790 -99.000000 -1.313919 1.390133 0.350664 0.022989 0.003291 -0.347E-12 Lnuc rel_E_err -8.0002657115376123D-08 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1174021474532880 320 8.046617 9.037E+04 -9.566899 0.849987 1.390220 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 797.937183 1036 2 3.8812E+00 8.046617 -2.696007 -27.490329 -1.161996 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.622218 1.000000 87.881683 4 5.2314E+08 9.897817 -0.613178 0.849987 -99.000000 -1.314399 1.390220 0.350695 0.022969 0.003291 -0.411E-12 Lnuc rel_E_err -5.2124137938168681D-08 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1174991153801619 330 8.071484 9.055E+04 -16.188146 1.026697 1.390284 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 753.821452 1040 2 3.7430E+00 8.071484 -2.696143 -26.606022 -1.061951 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.622234 1.000000 83.022021 4 5.2320E+08 9.898288 -0.610043 1.026697 -99.000000 -1.314990 1.390284 0.350674 0.022978 0.003291 -0.502E-12 Lnuc rel_E_err -3.3687417035415327D-08 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1175559144824145 340 8.095550 9.071E+04 -10.428287 1.208372 1.390331 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 713.121983 1042 2 3.5943E+00 8.095550 -2.696115 -25.768634 -0.955298 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.622210 1.000000 78.535673 4 5.2325E+08 9.898179 -0.606987 1.208372 -99.000000 -1.316174 1.390331 0.350749 0.022930 0.003291 -0.611E-12 Lnuc rel_E_err -2.0567797677547727D-08 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1175795889793587 350 8.118824 9.079E+04 -12.172855 1.395214 1.390363 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 675.593266 1051 2 3.4366E+00 8.118824 -2.695957 -24.971406 -0.843876 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.622236 1.000000 74.406639 4 5.2328E+08 9.897602 -0.604980 1.395214 -99.000000 -1.317473 1.390363 0.350707 0.022948 0.003291 -0.757E-12 Lnuc rel_E_err -1.2269087898824147D-08 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1175758729641294 save LOGS/ for model 350 save photos/x350 for model 350 360 8.141058 9.081E+04 -12.495126 1.585137 1.390385 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 641.387602 1054 2 3.2730E+00 8.141058 -2.695700 -24.217529 -0.730711 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.622246 1.000000 70.642447 4 5.2330E+08 9.896670 -0.604262 1.585137 -99.000000 -1.318676 1.390385 0.350705 0.022943 0.003291 -0.976E-12 Lnuc rel_E_err -7.4080124614686134D-09 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1175510954166263 370 8.162277 9.084E+04 -12.388804 1.777271 1.390401 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 610.199731 1061 2 3.1049E+00 8.162277 -2.695364 -23.634181 -0.617631 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.622268 1.000000 67.212452 4 5.2332E+08 9.895459 -0.602933 1.777271 -99.000000 -1.320401 1.390401 0.350677 0.022952 0.003291 -0.122E-11 Lnuc rel_E_err -4.2755291892882338D-09 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1175098110157422 380 8.182522 9.086E+04 -12.409862 1.970836 1.390411 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 581.727563 1057 2 2.9342E+00 8.182522 -2.694966 -23.006744 -0.505940 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.622296 1.000000 64.082535 4 5.2333E+08 9.894027 -0.601811 1.970836 -99.000000 -1.322284 1.390411 0.350631 0.022970 0.003291 -0.153E-11 Lnuc rel_E_err -2.4684708514429997D-09 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1174554902545077 390 8.199466 9.078E+04 -22.038719 2.139649 1.390418 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 558.698193 1059 2 2.9661E+00 8.199466 -2.694497 -22.483892 -0.409178 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.620641 1.000000 61.503846 10 5.2334E+08 9.892338 -0.602367 2.139649 -99.000000 -1.323822 1.390418 0.352237 0.023021 0.003291 -0.141E-11 Lnuc rel_E_err -6.3029361710382660D-07 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1173498623588882 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ step lg_Tmax Teff lg_LH lg_Lnuc Mass H_rich H_cntr N_cntr Y_surf eta_cntr zones retry lg_dt_yrs lg_Tcntr lg_R lg_L3a lg_Lneu lg_Mdot He_core He_cntr O_cntr Z_surf gam_cntr iters age_yrs lg_Dcntr lg_L lg_LZ lg_Lphoto lg_Dsurf CO_core C_cntr Ne_cntr Si_cntr v_div_cs dt_limit __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 400 8.223844 9.069E+04 -22.075538 2.397916 1.390425 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 527.148576 1064 2 2.6739E+00 8.223844 -2.693819 -21.716673 -0.269051 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.619049 1.000000 58.001162 4 5.2334E+08 9.889896 -0.602770 2.397916 -99.000000 -1.326198 1.390425 0.353657 0.023192 0.003291 -0.211E-11 Lnuc rel_E_err -9.7767038194912190D-10 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1172072484349553 save LOGS/ for model 400 save photos/x400 for model 400 410 8.245863 9.065E+04 -22.147270 2.645327 1.390428 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 500.122422 1072 2 2.3995E+00 8.245863 -2.693162 -21.011271 -0.140840 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.617943 1.000000 55.011753 5 5.2335E+08 9.887533 -0.602175 2.645327 -99.000000 -1.328861 1.390428 0.354603 0.023353 0.003291 -0.316E-11 Lnuc rel_E_err -5.1749126445899988D-10 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1170951792940658 hydro_solver_step returned ierr -1 s% model_number 420 nz 1061 s% num_retries 2 retry: logT > hydro_mtx_max_allowed_logT 1050 420 420 8.256105 9.046E+04 -22.366261 2.760215 1.390431 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 487.385219 1061 3 2.3128E+00 8.256105 -2.692403 -20.701024 -0.078155 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.609904 1.000000 53.412082 10 5.2335E+08 9.884820 -0.604242 2.760215 -99.000000 -1.330936 1.390431 0.362580 0.023416 0.003291 -0.353E-11 retry rel_E_err 3.7900640863954132D-07 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1166059525855285 hydro_solver_step returned ierr -1 s% model_number 424 nz 1051 s% num_retries 3 retry: logT < hydro_mtx_min_allowed_logT 1046 424 430 8.274693 9.034E+04 -22.560506 2.984987 1.390433 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 465.866530 1063 4 2.1782E+00 8.274693 -2.691600 -20.095387 0.031224 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.604913 1.000000 50.943731 10 5.2335E+08 9.881934 -0.604976 2.984987 -99.000000 -1.333657 1.390433 0.367432 0.023554 0.003291 -0.405E-11 Lnuc rel_E_err -3.4095364510313050D-06 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1154209419776606 440 8.294891 9.035E+04 -22.753340 3.240344 1.390434 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 443.655408 1067 4 1.8943E+00 8.294891 -2.690803 -19.420515 0.150640 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.602017 1.000000 48.460058 10 5.2335E+08 9.879065 -0.603156 3.240344 -99.000000 -1.337288 1.390434 0.370173 0.023710 0.003291 -0.589E-11 Lnuc rel_E_err -9.5421338526997552D-07 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1148456466198882 450 8.311190 9.070E+04 -23.099674 3.454112 1.390434 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 426.342773 1074 4 1.7431E+00 8.311190 -2.690024 -18.871133 0.248026 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.597720 1.000000 46.482756 7 5.2335E+08 9.876280 -0.594879 3.454112 -99.000000 -1.343182 1.390434 0.374364 0.023814 0.003291 -0.664E-11 max increase rel_E_err 5.6314928748083146D-09 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1145609011518056 save LOGS/ for model 450 save photos/x450 for model 450 retry: check_lgL_nuc_change hard limit 451 retry: check_lgL_nuc_change hard limit 458 460 8.326150 9.206E+04 -23.344651 3.657690 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 411.031691 1074 6 1.3417E+00 8.326150 -2.689284 -18.358665 0.337292 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.593473 1.000000 44.730773 5 5.2335E+08 9.873675 -0.567525 3.657690 -99.000000 -1.355773 1.390435 0.378517 0.023908 0.003291 -0.130E-10 Lnuc rel_E_err 1.4479671306131426D-09 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1138604038281272 470 8.340277 9.196E+04 -23.662562 3.854046 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 397.076267 1081 6 1.3129E+00 8.340277 -2.688601 -17.877785 0.421855 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.590576 1.000000 43.160288 7 5.2335E+08 9.871211 -0.568181 3.854046 -99.000000 -1.358079 1.390435 0.381319 0.024001 0.003291 -0.106E-10 Lnuc rel_E_err 1.6593614520670573D-09 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1136251170407916 480 8.357924 9.176E+04 -23.982211 4.107296 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 380.273072 1079 6 1.2522E+00 8.357924 -2.687718 -17.261889 0.528278 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.586648 1.000000 41.265715 7 5.2335E+08 9.868023 -0.570050 4.107296 -99.000000 -1.360690 1.390435 0.385141 0.024103 0.003291 -0.491E-11 Lnuc rel_E_err 3.3815273313235869D-09 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1133710588944132 retry: check_lgL_nuc_change hard limit 480 residual_norm > tol_residual_norm 480 1.9311267565377876D-07 1.0000000000000000D-08 max_residual > tol_max_residual 480 3.8216880695578383D-04 1.0000000000000001D-05 correction_norm > tol_correction_norm*coeff 480 2.2336209865911261D-05 3.0000000000000004D-07 1.0000000000000000D-02 max_abs_correction > tol_max_correction*coeff 480 7.7634011742967416D-03 3.0000000000000001D-05 1.0000000000000000D-02 solver rejected trial model s% model_number 480 s% solver_call_number 487 nz 1079 s% num_retries 7 dt 2.8203107761188036D+08 log dt/secyer 9.5119299971534033D-01 retry: avg+max corr+resid -- give up in solver 480 residual_norm > tol_residual_norm 480 3.5330155676465472D-08 1.0000000000000000D-08 max_residual > tol_max_residual 480 8.0749462861224333D-05 1.0000000000000001D-05 correction_norm > tol_correction_norm*coeff 480 6.0642178288079070D-06 6.0000000000000002D-06 2.0000000000000001D-01 max_abs_correction > tol_max_correction*coeff 480 2.3009938734351774D-03 6.0000000000000006D-04 2.0000000000000001D-01 solver rejected trial model s% model_number 480 s% solver_call_number 488 nz 1079 s% num_retries 8 dt 1.4101553880594018D+08 log dt/secyer 6.5016300405135918D-01 retry: avg+max corr+resid -- give up in solver 480 480 8.354823 9.188E+04 -23.757535 4.062268 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 383.135162 1079 9 3.4913E-01 8.354823 -2.687838 -17.367924 0.509555 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.586625 1.000000 41.573899 13 5.2335E+08 9.868463 -0.568157 4.062268 -99.000000 -1.360921 1.390435 0.385193 0.024075 0.003291 -0.890E-10 retry rel_E_err 4.6937771161018518D-08 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1133878000374584 490 8.359530 9.177E+04 -24.266071 4.130985 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 378.615768 1086 9 8.4781E-01 8.359530 -2.687490 -17.210976 0.538234 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.583409 1.000000 41.022442 5 5.2335E+08 9.867206 -0.569392 4.130985 -99.000000 -1.361774 1.390435 0.388405 0.024076 0.003291 -0.259E-10 Lnuc rel_E_err 2.3709894879830156D-11 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1133287256744646 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ step lg_Tmax Teff lg_LH lg_Lnuc Mass H_rich H_cntr N_cntr Y_surf eta_cntr zones retry lg_dt_yrs lg_Tcntr lg_R lg_L3a lg_Lneu lg_Mdot He_core He_cntr O_cntr Z_surf gam_cntr iters age_yrs lg_Dcntr lg_L lg_LZ lg_Lphoto lg_Dsurf CO_core C_cntr Ne_cntr Si_cntr v_div_cs dt_limit __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 500 8.373548 9.164E+04 -24.290332 4.337992 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 365.970793 1090 9 6.5154E-01 8.373548 -2.686918 -16.722918 0.623267 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.583511 1.000000 39.662929 8 5.2335E+08 9.865136 -0.570742 4.337992 -95.143366 -1.363415 1.390435 0.388169 0.024205 0.003291 -0.318E-10 Lnuc rel_E_err 4.4934982907157369D-10 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1132373850997253 save LOGS/ for model 500 save photos/x500 for model 500 510 8.386226 9.143E+04 -24.481912 4.529436 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 354.675120 1089 9 6.0939E-01 8.386226 -2.686187 -16.285389 0.701352 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.580031 1.000000 38.381111 5 5.2335E+08 9.862495 -0.573285 4.529436 -91.709077 -1.365220 1.390435 0.391594 0.024251 0.003291 -0.199E-10 Lnuc rel_E_err 3.6573119623069714D-10 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1131092581751587 520 8.403818 9.111E+04 -23.908430 4.800784 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 339.524134 1104 9 6.2837E-01 8.403818 -2.685119 -15.654500 0.811666 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.575327 1.000000 36.668352 7 5.2335E+08 9.858640 -0.577222 4.800784 -87.084582 -1.367779 1.390435 0.396206 0.024320 0.003291 0.223E-10 Lnuc rel_E_err 1.5020064681282423D-10 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1129061726106846 retry: check_lgL_nuc_change hard limit 520 520 8.402056 9.117E+04 -23.644334 4.773390 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 340.989713 1104 10 3.2734E-01 8.402056 -2.685204 -15.711056 0.800461 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.575315 1.000000 36.825262 10 5.2335E+08 9.858947 -0.576344 4.773390 -87.540239 -1.367780 1.390435 0.396236 0.024305 0.003291 -0.281E-10 retry rel_E_err 6.8962584413782095D-09 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1129193117608223 530 8.415130 9.094E+04 -22.817959 4.979235 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 330.083611 1109 10 2.3834E-01 8.415130 -2.684390 -15.295648 0.884412 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.571883 1.000000 35.596260 10 5.2335E+08 9.856010 -0.579041 4.979235 -84.200772 -1.369837 1.390435 0.399590 0.024358 0.003291 0.370E-11 Lnuc rel_E_err -4.9391041920681475D-08 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1127790289160222 540 8.432643 9.061E+04 -21.116050 5.258859 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 316.026085 1119 10 1.6475E-01 8.432643 -2.683307 -14.614349 1.002181 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.568859 1.000000 34.041813 9 5.2335E+08 9.852103 -0.583160 5.258859 -79.874968 -1.372386 1.390435 0.402471 0.024453 0.003291 0.857E-10 max increase rel_E_err 5.2245953189095189D-09 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1122112482466107 retry: check_lgL_nuc_change hard limit 541 550 8.452202 9.024E+04 -21.857291 5.575718 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 300.988796 1121 11 -2.5836E-01 8.452202 -2.682047 -13.912310 1.144471 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.566136 1.000000 32.392660 4 5.2335E+08 9.847561 -0.587712 5.575718 -75.240356 -1.375437 1.390435 0.405006 0.024567 0.003291 0.212E-09 Lnuc rel_E_err -2.1433098503192193D-11 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1118719453158077 save LOGS/ for model 550 save photos/x550 for model 550 560 8.470454 8.991E+04 -22.232587 5.874371 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 287.673049 1143 11 -6.3914E-01 8.470454 -2.680957 -13.149401 1.292734 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.566191 1.000000 30.973553 4 5.2335E+08 9.843623 -0.592038 5.874371 -71.095645 -1.377937 1.390435 0.404711 0.024719 0.003291 0.397E-09 Lnuc rel_E_err -3.8192700779361037D-11 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1116964106246021 570 8.484826 8.955E+04 -20.160730 6.112432 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 277.424064 1151 11 -7.6069E-01 8.484826 -2.679878 -12.634562 1.423951 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.562956 1.000000 29.833123 10 5.2335E+08 9.839731 -0.596740 6.112432 -67.952137 -1.380262 1.390435 0.407823 0.024763 0.003291 0.977E-09 Lnuc rel_E_err -9.0998700125060497D-09 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1114889143341609 580 8.502914 8.916E+04 -20.473395 6.412813 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 265.177379 1158 11 -1.1404E+00 8.502914 -2.678695 -12.085122 1.609602 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.562960 1.000000 28.530251 4 5.2335E+08 9.835458 -0.601959 6.412813 -64.136550 -1.382782 1.390435 0.407529 0.024936 0.003291 0.196E-08 Lnuc rel_E_err -4.2896779881697783D-11 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1112972732523758 590 8.517760 8.881E+04 -20.594717 6.661256 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 255.476350 1180 11 -1.4186E+00 8.517760 -2.677653 -11.710840 1.780069 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.562524 1.000000 27.492354 4 5.2335E+08 9.831691 -0.606849 6.661256 -61.119855 -1.384901 1.390435 0.407723 0.025080 0.003291 0.363E-08 Lnuc rel_E_err -3.2570551237079707D-11 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1110579415576014 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ step lg_Tmax Teff lg_LH lg_Lnuc Mass H_rich H_cntr N_cntr Y_surf eta_cntr zones retry lg_dt_yrs lg_Tcntr lg_R lg_L3a lg_Lneu lg_Mdot He_core He_cntr O_cntr Z_surf gam_cntr iters age_yrs lg_Dcntr lg_L lg_LZ lg_Lphoto lg_Dsurf CO_core C_cntr Ne_cntr Si_cntr v_div_cs dt_limit __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 600 8.531667 8.845E+04 -20.642311 6.895453 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 246.697348 1190 11 -1.6689E+00 8.531667 -2.676658 -11.410169 1.953056 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.562491 1.000000 26.558582 4 5.2335E+08 9.828095 -0.611811 6.895453 -58.384136 -1.386815 1.390435 0.407496 0.025244 0.003291 0.639E-08 Lnuc rel_E_err -5.5734836809164772D-11 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1108955817219264 save LOGS/ for model 600 save photos/x600 for model 600 retry: check_lgL_nuc_change hard limit 608 max_residual > tol_max_residual 608 1.0683243170861601D-05 1.0000000000000001D-05 max_abs_correction > tol_max_correction*coeff 608 5.4617668839227725D-03 3.0000000000000001D-03 1.0000000000000000D+00 solver rejected trial model s% model_number 608 s% solver_call_number 620 nz 1188 s% num_retries 12 dt 5.6734509449465247D+05 log dt/secyer -1.7452566629637503D+00 retry: max corr+resid -- give up in solver 608 max_residual > tol_max_residual 608 1.1833581288853971D-05 1.0000000000000001D-05 correction_norm > tol_correction_norm*coeff 608 3.6882216519975528D-06 3.0000000000000004D-07 1.0000000000000000D-02 max_abs_correction > tol_max_correction*coeff 608 3.2355551797786384D-03 3.0000000000000001D-05 1.0000000000000000D-02 solver rejected trial model s% model_number 608 s% solver_call_number 621 nz 1188 s% num_retries 13 dt 2.8367254724732623D+05 log dt/secyer -2.0462866586277313D+00 retry: avg+max corr+resid -- give up in solver 608 610 8.531513 8.820E+04 -49.003762 6.899598 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 246.242738 1194 14 -2.2681E+00 8.531513 -2.675908 -11.368357 1.955902 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.549006 1.000000 26.332860 12 5.2335E+08 9.825407 -0.615173 6.899598 -58.420141 -1.388392 1.390435 0.421366 0.024906 0.003291 -0.526E-07 max increase rel_E_err -1.7916237592412682D-08 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1104717850143526 620 8.538422 8.801E+04 -33.944496 7.016948 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 241.988084 1197 14 -1.9983E+00 8.538422 -2.675394 -11.190937 2.046237 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.548914 1.000000 25.882490 4 5.2335E+08 9.823550 -0.618039 7.016948 -57.092274 -1.389272 1.390435 0.421322 0.024993 0.003291 0.606E-08 Lnuc rel_E_err -6.0567129935017827D-12 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1103829990531917 630 8.547081 8.777E+04 -33.956786 7.164453 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 236.747809 1209 14 -2.0806E+00 8.547081 -2.674733 -11.003430 2.162564 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.548881 1.000000 25.329015 4 5.2335E+08 9.821164 -0.621486 7.164453 -55.456809 -1.390485 1.390435 0.421172 0.025114 0.003291 0.104E-07 Lnuc rel_E_err -1.1317298255841993D-11 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1102745752273231 640 8.556708 8.749E+04 -33.970149 7.329394 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 231.043473 1214 14 -2.1958E+00 8.556708 -2.673983 -10.891865 2.295053 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.548838 1.000000 24.726563 4 5.2335E+08 9.818452 -0.625529 7.329394 -53.675508 -1.391819 1.390435 0.421001 0.025259 0.003291 0.173E-07 Lnuc rel_E_err -3.2561128800182963D-11 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1101510511228092 650 8.567040 8.717E+04 -33.984393 7.507505 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 225.060198 1216 14 -2.3360E+00 8.567040 -2.673157 -10.691527 2.439853 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.548783 1.000000 24.094631 4 5.2335E+08 9.815466 -0.630054 7.507505 -51.806250 -1.393258 1.390435 0.420815 0.025427 0.003291 0.290E-07 Lnuc rel_E_err -1.5034138421632492D-11 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1100147371848061 save LOGS/ for model 650 save photos/x650 for model 650 660 8.577627 8.684E+04 -34.005132 7.690782 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 219.062549 1224 14 -2.4874E+00 8.577627 -2.672267 -10.492953 2.590047 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.548702 1.000000 23.460183 4 5.2335E+08 9.812253 -0.635002 7.690782 -49.935865 -1.394780 1.390435 0.420678 0.025586 0.003291 0.485E-07 Lnuc rel_E_err -1.6984318660621279D-11 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1098673205311562 670 8.588598 8.650E+04 -34.020929 7.881905 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 212.998221 1233 14 -2.6529E+00 8.588598 -2.671317 -10.307822 2.746379 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.548625 1.000000 22.819661 5 5.2335E+08 9.808825 -0.639954 7.881905 -48.043419 -1.396523 1.390435 0.420479 0.025790 0.003291 0.800E-07 Lnuc rel_E_err 1.4202655305650553D-10 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1097096587561897 stop because power_nuc_burn >= power_nuc_burn_upper_limit 0.1044240760E+09 0.1000000000E+09 677 8.596413 8.625E+04 -34.032406 8.018801 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 208.769783 1229 14 -2.7742E+00 8.596413 -2.670622 -10.223410 2.857636 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.548566 1.000000 22.373120 4 5.2335E+08 9.806317 -0.643431 8.018801 -46.723404 -1.397849 1.390435 0.420331 0.025948 0.003291 0.115E-06 Lnuc rel_E_err -2.0485898897021287D-11 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1095940526679984 save LOGS/ for model 677 solver retries 7 Lnuc retries 7 max increase dt limit 65 solver dt limit 2 Lnuc dt limit 371 lgRho_cntr dt limit 231 lgT_cntr dt limit 8 model saved to final.mod save photos/x677 for model 677 termination code: power_nuc_burn_upper_limit runtime (minutes), retries, steps 6.32 14 677 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ step lg_Tmax Teff lg_LH lg_Lnuc Mass H_rich H_cntr N_cntr Y_surf eta_cntr zones retry lg_dt_yrs lg_Tcntr lg_R lg_L3a lg_Lneu lg_Mdot He_core He_cntr O_cntr Z_surf gam_cntr iters age_yrs lg_Dcntr lg_L lg_LZ lg_Lphoto lg_Dsurf CO_core C_cntr Ne_cntr Si_cntr v_div_cs dt_limit __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 677 8.596413 8.625E+04 -34.032406 8.018801 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 208.769783 1229 14 -2.7742E+00 8.596413 -2.670622 -10.223410 2.857636 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.548566 1.000000 22.373120 4 5.2335E+08 9.806317 -0.643431 8.018801 -46.723404 -1.397849 1.390435 0.420331 0.025948 0.003291 0.115E-06 Lnuc rel_E_err -2.0485898897021287D-11 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1095940526679984 DATE: 2024-10-01 TIME: 12:44:22 finished inlist_wd_c_core_ignition_header DATE: 2024-10-01 TIME: 12:44:22 finished all inlists for wd_c_core_ignition wd_c_core_ignition run: test string matches after ./rn restart from x600 DATE: 2024-10-01 TIME: 12:44:23 reading user weak rate file /n/holyscratch01/conroy_lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.fbFpnvGuxt/data/rates_data/rate_tables/S13_r_be7_wk_li7.h5 version_number 2aca86c read inlist_wd_c_core_ignition read restart_photo set tau_factor to photo value 3.0000000000000000D+01 set_tau_factor 3.0000000000000000D+01 new_v_flag T net name v_flag T tau_factor 3.0000000000000000D+01 atm_option: T_tau kap_option gs98 kap_CO_option gs98_co kap_lowT_option lowT_fa05_gs98 OMP_NUM_THREADS 8 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ step lg_Tmax Teff lg_LH lg_Lnuc Mass H_rich H_cntr N_cntr Y_surf eta_cntr zones retry lg_dt_yrs lg_Tcntr lg_R lg_L3a lg_Lneu lg_Mdot He_core He_cntr O_cntr Z_surf gam_cntr iters age_yrs lg_Dcntr lg_L lg_LZ lg_Lphoto lg_Dsurf CO_core C_cntr Ne_cntr Si_cntr v_div_cs dt_limit __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ retry: check_lgL_nuc_change hard limit 608 max_residual > tol_max_residual 608 1.0683242353511928D-05 1.0000000000000001D-05 max_abs_correction > tol_max_correction*coeff 608 5.4617668648366527D-03 3.0000000000000001D-03 1.0000000000000000D+00 solver rejected trial model s% model_number 608 s% solver_call_number 620 nz 1188 s% num_retries 12 dt 5.6734509306810470D+05 log dt/secyer -1.7452566640557521D+00 retry: max corr+resid -- give up in solver 608 max_residual > tol_max_residual 608 1.1833584630120963D-05 1.0000000000000001D-05 correction_norm > tol_correction_norm*coeff 608 3.6877698486484084D-06 3.0000000000000004D-07 1.0000000000000000D-02 max_abs_correction > tol_max_correction*coeff 608 3.2355563572892447D-03 3.0000000000000001D-05 1.0000000000000000D-02 solver rejected trial model s% model_number 608 s% solver_call_number 621 nz 1188 s% num_retries 13 dt 2.8367254653405235D+05 log dt/secyer -2.0462866597197329D+00 retry: avg+max corr+resid -- give up in solver 608 610 8.531513 8.820E+04 -49.003762 6.899598 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 246.242738 1194 14 -2.2681E+00 8.531513 -2.675908 -11.368357 1.955902 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.549006 1.000000 26.332860 12 5.2335E+08 9.825407 -0.615173 6.899598 -58.420141 -1.388392 1.390435 0.421366 0.024906 0.003291 -0.526E-07 max increase rel_E_err -1.7920991306587257D-08 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1104717843519940 620 8.538422 8.801E+04 -33.815256 7.016948 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 241.988084 1197 14 -1.9983E+00 8.538422 -2.675394 -11.190937 2.046237 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.548914 1.000000 25.882490 4 5.2335E+08 9.823550 -0.618039 7.016948 -57.092274 -1.389272 1.390435 0.421322 0.024993 0.003291 0.606E-08 Lnuc rel_E_err -6.1061949566885561D-12 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1103829983915525 630 8.547081 8.777E+04 -33.828219 7.164453 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 236.747810 1209 14 -2.0806E+00 8.547081 -2.674733 -11.003430 2.162564 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.548881 1.000000 25.329015 4 5.2335E+08 9.821164 -0.621486 7.164453 -55.456809 -1.390485 1.390435 0.421172 0.025114 0.003291 0.104E-07 Lnuc rel_E_err -1.1192506180233170D-11 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1102745745695493 640 8.556708 8.749E+04 -33.842041 7.329394 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 231.043473 1214 14 -2.1958E+00 8.556708 -2.673983 -10.891865 2.295053 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.548838 1.000000 24.726563 4 5.2335E+08 9.818452 -0.625528 7.329394 -53.675508 -1.391819 1.390435 0.421001 0.025259 0.003291 0.173E-07 Lnuc rel_E_err -3.2492300053710839D-11 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1101510504631849 650 8.567040 8.717E+04 -33.856551 7.507505 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 225.060198 1216 14 -2.3360E+00 8.567040 -2.673157 -10.691527 2.439853 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.548783 1.000000 24.094631 4 5.2335E+08 9.815466 -0.630054 7.507505 -51.806250 -1.393258 1.390435 0.420815 0.025427 0.003291 0.290E-07 Lnuc rel_E_err -1.5165799618341809D-11 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1100147365181576 save LOGS/ for model 650 save photos/x650 for model 650 660 8.577627 8.684E+04 -33.880787 7.690782 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 219.062550 1224 14 -2.4874E+00 8.577627 -2.672267 -10.492953 2.590047 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.548702 1.000000 23.460183 4 5.2335E+08 9.812253 -0.635001 7.690782 -49.935865 -1.394780 1.390435 0.420678 0.025586 0.003291 0.485E-07 Lnuc rel_E_err -1.6924054159298054D-11 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1098673198669617 670 8.588598 8.650E+04 -33.896571 7.881905 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 212.998221 1234 14 -2.6529E+00 8.588598 -2.671317 -10.307822 2.746379 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.548625 1.000000 22.819661 5 5.2335E+08 9.808825 -0.639954 7.881905 -48.043419 -1.396523 1.390435 0.420479 0.025790 0.003291 0.800E-07 Lnuc rel_E_err 1.4200041384663166D-10 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1097096580950483 stop because power_nuc_burn >= power_nuc_burn_upper_limit 0.1044240735E+09 0.1000000000E+09 677 8.596413 8.625E+04 -33.908000 8.018801 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 208.769783 1230 14 -2.7742E+00 8.596413 -2.670622 -10.223410 2.857636 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.548566 1.000000 22.373120 4 5.2335E+08 9.806317 -0.643432 8.018801 -46.723404 -1.397849 1.390435 0.420331 0.025948 0.003291 0.115E-06 Lnuc rel_E_err -2.0461415203641626D-11 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1095940520136840 save LOGS/ for model 677 solver retries 7 Lnuc retries 7 max increase dt limit 65 solver dt limit 2 Lnuc dt limit 371 lgRho_cntr dt limit 231 lgT_cntr dt limit 8 model saved to final.mod save photos/x677 for model 677 termination code: power_nuc_burn_upper_limit __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ step lg_Tmax Teff lg_LH lg_Lnuc Mass H_rich H_cntr N_cntr Y_surf eta_cntr zones retry lg_dt_yrs lg_Tcntr lg_R lg_L3a lg_Lneu lg_Mdot He_core He_cntr O_cntr Z_surf gam_cntr iters age_yrs lg_Dcntr lg_L lg_LZ lg_Lphoto lg_Dsurf CO_core C_cntr Ne_cntr Si_cntr v_div_cs dt_limit __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 677 8.596413 8.625E+04 -33.908000 8.018801 1.390435 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 208.769783 1230 14 -2.7742E+00 8.596413 -2.670622 -10.223410 2.857636 -9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.548566 1.000000 22.373120 4 5.2335E+08 9.806317 -0.643432 8.018801 -46.723404 -1.397849 1.390435 0.420331 0.025948 0.003291 0.115E-06 Lnuc rel_E_err -2.0461415203641626D-11 log_rel_run_E_err -2.1095940520136840 DATE: 2024-10-01 TIME: 12:45:24 ******************** wd_c_core_ignition restart failed: checksum for final.mod does not match after ./re x600 ********************